Helloo theree...
whoaa this whole week is very stressful, but one day, a package come to my place and i've posted this on my Instagram. Yes, a shower gel from Cottage.
Shower gel ini lumayan terbilang baru masuk Indonesia. Pertama kali tau karena waktu itu gue liat review nya di salah satu beauty blogger yang dateng pas launching nya. Langsung penasaran dong, soalnya kemasan produknya unik kayak botol susu gitu, dan berdasarkan reviewnya sih varian wanginya oke banget.
Nah kebetulan pas ketemu Instagramya Cottage [ cottageid ], dia lagi ngadain semacem giveaway, namanya #cottagepasssionweek . Buat 500 [kalo ga salah] pengirim foto pertama bertema passion bakal dapet hampers dari Cottage [ yeaaay gratisan!] hahaha.
Nah setelah sebulan, akhirnya datanglah hampers yang ditunggu-tunggu....
made in France |
the cap :D |
Karena ini produk asal Perancis, kebayangnya bakalan ngerasain mandi ala
french bath gitu kali yaaa haha. Ngga begitu juga sih.
What It Claims : Enjoy the rare pleasure of Cottage milk shower enriched with graefruit extracts. It's creamy foam and tonic fragrance will make your skin smooth, soft and deliciously scented.
The scent, its litterally smell like orange juice! and when i use this, i feel like pouring orange juice all over my body [ hahaha i know, lebay banget].
Serius gue suka banget, dan bener-bener wanginya kayak buah beneran, beda sama sabun mandi lain yang pake aroma buah-buahan gitu.
Is it softening ? Not really...
Emang sih kalau dibandingin gue pake sabun mandi biasa kayak Citra atau Biore ngga bikin kulit gue kasar, cuma gue juga ngga ngerasa kulit gue jadi lembuuuut gitu. Ngga berasa melembutkan sih kalau di gue.
Is it long lasting ? nope.
Sayangnya, ngga sampe sejam wanginya udah bubar.. :/ padahal gue berharap bisa lebih tahan lama.
Abis mandi, terus pake deodoran dll, wanginya sama sekali ngga kecium!
conclusion :
- I love the scent. Litterally smell like fruit
- The packaging is cute, i am afraid will drink it if im not sober and i see this next to some food
- comes with nice various scent
- it's not long lasting. The moment you come out the bath, the scent is goooneee...
- quite expensive
- it's hard to get, you have to buy it online if you live outside big city like Jakarta. But you can buy this from online shop like Lazada or Zalora. [ i just find they have some differences [price] and also shipping cost. choose what's best! :) ]
PRICE : Rp. 68.000-, for 250 ML
I'm curious about other scent like Ocean Blossom and caramel. I already bought the mini size, 50 ML it's Rp. 18.000 and let's see how it is, when my package arrived later.
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