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Tampilkan postingan dengan label skincare review. Tampilkan semua postingan

Selasa, 10 Agustus 2021

Review Hatomugi Skin Conditioner di Kulit Berminyak


As you know, I have acne prone skin dan skincare gue gak terlalu banyak. I would not do 10 steps Korean skincare routine karena pernah coba cuma lima steps aja udah bikin muka "gerah". Karena kulit gue yang kombinasi, sangat berminyak di tengah atau area t-zone dan normal-kering di luar area itu. Nah baru-baru aja gue dapet toner Hatomugi Skin Conditioner dari Kawai Beauty Japan. Berhubung gue punya kulit berminyak dan berjerawat, kira-kira gimana reaksinya Hatomugi di kulit berminyak gue? Let's find out!

Jumat, 25 Juni 2021

Review Dewpre Paeonia Brightening Fluid dan Essence + Kode Voucher

Hi! I’m back with another review. Kali ini buat yang cari skincare brightening, yuk merapat. Gue mau share pemakaian Dewpre Paeonia Brightening Fluid dan Dewpre Paeonia Brightening Essence selama kurang lebih 2 minggu. Simak review Dewpre selengkapnya di bawah ya!

review dewpre

Jadi, sebenernya varian brightening Dewpre ini ada 3, yaitu emulsion/toner, essence, dan moisturizer. Nah, karena kulit gue berminyak dan gampang jerawatan, gue skip moisturizernya. Info dari tim Dewpre sih teksturnya gel gitu, tapi nge-layer skincare lebih dari 2 tuh udah bikin gue personally parno sih. I’m not a big fan of layering skincare. But if you do, go ahead ya bisa coba ketiganya.

Selasa, 01 Mei 2018

Bagus Mana? Garnier Oil Infused Cleansing Water atau Nivea Makeup Remover Biru


Dua micellar water ini lagi hits banget ya belakangan. Well, Nivea emang baru ngeluarin yang non oil micellar water terbaru, tapi gue tertarik untuk nge-battle micellar water Garnier sama Nivea yang biru. Secara mereka kurang lebih sama in my opinion, tapi agak berbeda. So, mana yang paling oke? Nivea Double Effect Eye Make-Up Remover atau Garnier Oil Infused Micellar Water?

Jumat, 30 Juni 2017

Hatomugi Skin Conditioner di Kulit Berminyak


As you know, I have acne prone skin dan skincare gue gak terlalu banyak. I would not do 10 steps Korean skincare routine karena pernah coba cuma lima steps aja udah bikin muka "gerah". Karena kulit gue yang kombinasi, sangat berminyak di tengah atau area t-zone dan normal-kering di luar area itu. Nah baru-baru aja gue dapet toner Hatomugi Skin Conditioner dari Kawai Beauty Japan. Berhubung gue punya kulit berminyak dan berjerawat, kira-kira gimana reaksinya Hatomugi di kulit berminyak gue? Let's find out!

Sabtu, 17 September 2016

COSRX BHA Skin Returning A-Sol | Review


Back again with new product today. Masih berhubungan sama jerawat, produk yang satu ini gue beli gara - gara mereknya yang emang lagi terkenal beberapa waktu kemaren. Dan pastinya iming - iming BHA dan bisa nyembuhin muka berjerawat yang menarik perhatian gue banget. Gue rasa produk Korea yang nge-hits salah satunya gara - gara Wishtrend gak sih? Ini Cosrx juga merek baru yang ternyata emang baru dijual di Wishtrend.

Rabu, 20 Januari 2016

Bioderma Hydrabio Brume Review


How's your day? Let's freshen up or day with a facial spray shall we?
A week ago I received this facial spray as a gift from Stella Lee's giveaway at her Instagram. I rarely join a giveaway nowadays because I've never win those after I stopped years ago. And I was happy to know that I was picked as the winner! 

But sad thing is, the Bioderma Hydrabio Brume I recieved is in smaller size ( I expected it'll be the big size as seen on Stella Lee's picture) anyway, that's ok, this is a freebie so, don't complain, okey? 

Sabtu, 02 Mei 2015

REVIEW : JF Sulfur Acne Care


This one is the most popular soap out there to help you with your acne, also my post about other version of this is the most visited of all my posts. It's the one and only JF Sulfur! yeay! 
This time, versi JF Sulfur yang akan gue bahas adalah yang Acne Care, which is claimed to cure your acne in 2 weeks! whoaa that sounds good. Now, let's keep reading!

Selasa, 07 April 2015

REVIEW : Wardah Acne Treatment Gel

Hello fellas!
Today, the product I'm going to review is related to acne! yeaaay! hahaha. Why am I so excited about that? hmm. Obat jerawat Sariayu gue udah abis, plus kesenggol jadi pecah (lagi!) dan kemaren gue memutuskan untuk ganti obat jerawat, dan pilihan jatuh kepada Wardah. 

Senin, 23 Maret 2015

REVIEW : Ellips Hair Vitamin with Pro-Keratin Complex

Hey everyone! Have you heard about this hair vitamin? I bet you have tried this, most of us, women always try to make our hair smoother and use this kind of hair vitamin because it easy to use and also verryy affordable, right? 

Ellips is very famous for it's hair vitamin, and this is their newest product. I saw some bloggers posted about this and also there's a blogging competition. But, yeah I hadn't got time to buy this. Today, I'm going to tell you how this stuff works on me.

Kamis, 05 Maret 2015

REVIEW : Sariayu Acne Care Facial Foam

Dear readers! My journey to find the right skincare to kill those acnes is not end yet. Gue udah tau dari lama kalau sariayu emang punya pembersih muka khusus jerawat. Udah lama gue pake obat jerawatnya dan belum kepikiran buat nyobain pencuci mukanya, selain karena gue cocok sama Clean n Clear dan belum abis juga pencuci muka gue itu. 

But, finally gue memantapkan hati buat nyobain facial foam dari sariayu ini. Keep reading if you want to know the result. 

Senin, 05 Januari 2015

REVIEW : Mustika Ratu Body Butter Coffee

Hello... so I tell you, this is my first body butter I've ever bought. Sebenernya agak maju mundur sih ya beli nya. Mengingat fungsi body butter ga jauh beda sama body lotion. This one is from Mustika Ratu, gue pilih yang kopi soalnya varian wangi yang lain kurang suka. Ada olive aka zaitun, terus yang warna pink wangi bunga apa gitu, dan cuma ada sekitar 5 varian yang gue tau.

Okay, let's go to the review

Kamis, 01 Januari 2015

REVIEW : Himalaya Herbals Purifying Neem Mask

Heei, if you read my previous post, I promised to review the products I have bought couple months ago. Nah, yang pertama mau gue review adalah masker dari Himalaya Herbals, udah sekitar 6-7 kali gue pake masker ini, dan hasilnya kurang lebih sama setiap pemakaian.

Jumat, 14 November 2014

REVIEW : Cottage Repair Hand Cream Violet

Hello everyone...!
It's already 2 weeks I abandoned this blog [ again ] yeah I'm sorry, but the fun and exciting news is that my thesis is finally -almost- come to an end! hahahaha. Yesterday I gave my thesis from first to final chapter to be reviewed by my lecturer, let's see how it'll turn out next week.

So, okay,.. this hand cream I bought along with Mane n Tail, as you might have read my post about Luxola.co.id 2 weeks ago so I've been using this since then. Yep, because this is purple, violet, whatever you call it, I decided to buy this.

Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014

REVIEW : Nivea Med Protection SPF 15

I bought this lip balm because my latest lip balm, nivea essential care is running out. Because this one has spf, I thougt why not try it? ^^
This lip balm is a bit rare to find. Sometimes I can't find it everywhere, but one day it just there. So I can't just find it when i need it. Not too popular maybe?

Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014

REVIEW : JF Sulfur Mild Care Facial Wash

Halloooo halo halooo... diitung-itu udah hampir sebulan nih blog ga kesentuh sama sekali humph, apalagi kalo bukan gara-gara skripsi yang menghalangi segalanya :p karena pengen ngejar selesai tahun ini, dan gue baru bab 3[ !] jadi ditinggal dulu deh segala macem aktivitas favorit *hiks.

okay, kali ini produk yang mau gue review adalah sabun cuci muka andalan kalo lagi jerawatan, yes the one and only JF sulfur! ^^
Sebelumnya gue pake yang acne care, and btw JF sulfur ini punya 4 macam jenis sabun kalo ga salah ada acne care, mild care,oily care, dan blemish care. Nah kali ini karena penasaran, dan di bungkusnya dia mengklaim bisa merawat kulit berjerawat dengan lembut, akhirnya gue beli dah ini.

Kamis, 18 September 2014

Nivea Lovely Lips Natural Pink Lip Balm

Hello everyone... pffftt it's almost two weeks (?) I abandoned my blog. This week i've been busy with my thesis, finally my lecturer allowed me to make the second chapter after 2 months struggled with the first chapter.

So, I haven't a chance to go shopping, makeup products especially. But yesterday, finally I went to the mall nearby and decided to buy a lip balm. Actually i havent run out my lip balm yet haha but out of curiousity, as always.. i bought this.

Jumat, 29 Agustus 2014

REVIEW : Skin Aqua UV Moisture Gel SPF 30 pa++ [ normal to oily skin]

Hello everyone..! This time, i'll review about my very first sunscreen!
After reading some articles about sunscreen i realized, my face needs protection from the sun as well as my body. So, after searching some information about the best sunscreen for my oily-combination skin, i decided to buy this.

FYI, Skin aqua is actually came from the same company like Acnes and Face on Face, they are products from Rohto.

Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014

REVIEW : Garnier Oil Clear Astringent

Hello friends... so this Tuesday, I want to tell you about another toner from Garnier. I love my toner from Garnier, you can see that on my skincare routine here

I found this toner a while ago, and because it claims to make your oily face shine-free, so i bought it!

Sabtu, 05 Juli 2014

REVIEW : Garnier Pure Active Multi-Action Toner

Hello, as i promised yesterday, I'll review about this toner I just bought two days ago. Before this, i've been using Clean&Clear toner. When i saw this, and read what it claims, whoa this thing is great! that was the first thought that came to my mind. So, i decided to buy this.