Minggu, 26 April 2015
REVIEW : Silky Girl Hydra Clean Makeup Remover
Minggu, 19 April 2015
Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014
Playing Around With Makeup #1
I want to learn how to do makeup properly, and self-learning is all I can do right now. Maybe I'll attend makeup class someday, but not today.
First, I learn how to wear foundation. How to make foundation looks good on your face and cover all those acne scars i have. Currently I use a sponge, makeup sponge to apply my foundation. I wish to buy a foundation brush, but I still search which is the best foundation brush for a beginner.
I'm eyeing Real Technique Expert Face Brush and Coastal Scents Bionic Buffer Brush. Coastal Scents is cheaper, but I don't know which one is better, any suggestions?
Agustus 30, 2014 eye makeup, how to, learning makeup, makeup, makeup beginner, maybelline, revlon, silkygirl, viva cosmetic Leave a Comment
Jumat, 15 Agustus 2014
REVIEW : Silkygirl Eye Opener Waterproof Mascara
I have to admit, this is my first mascara i ever bought!
Yeah i never really interested in mascara as much as i interested in eyeliner. Mascara is the least makeup item that i like. Why? because i am wearing glasses, everyday. And as a glasses girl you may have know the problem, the longer your lashes, it will bother the glasses. It will hit the glasses and feels uncomfortable.
But, however, i found this cheap mascara and interested to buy it! how weak...
let's take a look
Agustus 15, 2014 cheap mascara, indonesian mascara, makeup, maskara silkygirl, review, review makeup, silkygirl, waterproof mascara Leave a Comment
Senin, 16 Juni 2014
My Eyeliner Tutorial
I am not a pro, but i do love wearing eyeliner, because it can make your face look different :D
Alexa Chung is one of many celebrity out ther who know how to make cool eyeliner for the eyes, simple but noticable and pretty.
I use liquid and gel type, here it is...
Juni 16, 2014 black, gel liner, liquid liner, maybelline, silkygirl, tutorial, tutorial eyeliner Leave a Comment
Kamis, 05 Juni 2014
REVIEW : SILKYGIRL Double Intense Gel Liner
It's June already, feels like just yesterday we celebrated new year eve, and now we even reached June already, been 6 months since new year eve. Can't believe time is running so fast.
For few weeks earlier i've been busy with my thesis :/ and it's frustating, i'm tired physicaly and mentaly.
But, here we are with new review. The product is out a loong time ago but, i just bought it last month, since i usually wear liquid liner than gel type.
how i wear it |
Minggu, 25 Mei 2014
Hey! It's Tarra

Hola! Guys, ada brand baru lagi nih. Gak baru banget sih, sekitar 1-2 bulan lalu Brun Brun Paris yang konon katanya saudara Sophie Martin...
Heloooo... the product i'm going to review is one of my makeup wishlist. Yep, L'oreal Mat Magique pressed powder. Because i have oil...
Helooooo Aaaaah I've been bad last month. Gue cuma berhasil memposting 1 post bulan April lalu. Mungkin karena kesibukan gue akhir -...
Hola! As you know, I have acne prone skin dan skincare gue gak terlalu banyak. I would not do 10 steps Korean skincare routine karena pe...
Hello.... Kali ini gue mau cerita review catokan yang udah gue beli sekitar dua bulan lalu. Ceritanya gue yang ngga pernah pake cat...