Sabtu, 02 Mei 2015
REVIEW : JF Sulfur Acne Care
Mei 02, 2015 acne, acne care, acne treatment, jerawat, jf sulfur, obat jerawat, review jf sulfur, skincare, skincare review 2 comments
Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014
REVIEW : JF Sulfur Mild Care Facial Wash
okay, kali ini produk yang mau gue review adalah sabun cuci muka andalan kalo lagi jerawatan, yes the one and only JF sulfur! ^^
Sebelumnya gue pake yang acne care, and btw JF sulfur ini punya 4 macam jenis sabun kalo ga salah ada acne care, mild care,oily care, dan blemish care. Nah kali ini karena penasaran, dan di bungkusnya dia mengklaim bisa merawat kulit berjerawat dengan lembut, akhirnya gue beli dah ini.
Oktober 21, 2014 acne treatment, jerawat, jf sulfur, obat jerawat, review, skincare review 1 comment
Jumat, 11 Juli 2014
My Current Skincare Routine
Hello.. so today i'm going to share what i've been using as my skincare routine for a couple months. I realized, my skin is better now, but still the scars from acne didn't dissapear that easy. But, i am glad that only 2 pimples come out after i use this products regularly.
Most of the products is new for me, i've never tried them before, because usually i use skincare products from my dermatologist. And the bad news is if the products run out, my skin starting to get pimples, lot of pimples.
I don't want to depend on the products from the dermatologist. I need to find products that can make my skin better, hopefully the products is cheap and work well on me. So here i am, with my new skincare products, that currently make my skin better, not best, but i do feel grateful.
Juli 11, 2014 acne treatment, garnier, jf sulfur, secret key gel cream, skincare, skincare routine Leave a Comment
Hey! It's Tarra

Hola! Guys, ada brand baru lagi nih. Gak baru banget sih, sekitar 1-2 bulan lalu Brun Brun Paris yang konon katanya saudara Sophie Martin...
Heloooo... the product i'm going to review is one of my makeup wishlist. Yep, L'oreal Mat Magique pressed powder. Because i have oil...
Helooooo Aaaaah I've been bad last month. Gue cuma berhasil memposting 1 post bulan April lalu. Mungkin karena kesibukan gue akhir -...
Hola! As you know, I have acne prone skin dan skincare gue gak terlalu banyak. I would not do 10 steps Korean skincare routine karena pe...
Hello.... Kali ini gue mau cerita review catokan yang udah gue beli sekitar dua bulan lalu. Ceritanya gue yang ngga pernah pake cat...