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Tampilkan postingan dengan label acne treatment. Tampilkan semua postingan

Rabu, 24 Mei 2017

Review Skin Care Jerawat yang Pernah Dicoba (Sariayu, Acnes, JF Sulfur, dll) | HeyTarra


Dulu banget gue sempet bahas soal "Rasanya Punya Muka Jerawatan" dan itu di tahun 2015. Walaupun kondisi muka gue udah gak separah dulu, tapi jerawat pasti masih muncul apalagi mendekati waktu menstruasi. Nah urusan gue sama jerawat yang sepanjang jalan kenangan ini membuat gue nyoba segala jenis produk yang dibilang ampuh buat ngilangin jerawat. Marilah kita lihat ke belakang produk buat jerawat apa aja yang pernah gue pake, gimana hasilnya dan apa masih gue pake sampe sekarang?

Sabtu, 17 September 2016

COSRX BHA Skin Returning A-Sol | Review


Back again with new product today. Masih berhubungan sama jerawat, produk yang satu ini gue beli gara - gara mereknya yang emang lagi terkenal beberapa waktu kemaren. Dan pastinya iming - iming BHA dan bisa nyembuhin muka berjerawat yang menarik perhatian gue banget. Gue rasa produk Korea yang nge-hits salah satunya gara - gara Wishtrend gak sih? Ini Cosrx juga merek baru yang ternyata emang baru dijual di Wishtrend.

Sabtu, 02 Mei 2015

REVIEW : JF Sulfur Acne Care


This one is the most popular soap out there to help you with your acne, also my post about other version of this is the most visited of all my posts. It's the one and only JF Sulfur! yeay! 
This time, versi JF Sulfur yang akan gue bahas adalah yang Acne Care, which is claimed to cure your acne in 2 weeks! whoaa that sounds good. Now, let's keep reading!

Selasa, 07 April 2015

REVIEW : Wardah Acne Treatment Gel

Hello fellas!
Today, the product I'm going to review is related to acne! yeaaay! hahaha. Why am I so excited about that? hmm. Obat jerawat Sariayu gue udah abis, plus kesenggol jadi pecah (lagi!) dan kemaren gue memutuskan untuk ganti obat jerawat, dan pilihan jatuh kepada Wardah. 

Selasa, 17 Maret 2015

Acne Story : What It's Like To Have Acne-Prone Skin?

Hey readers! I decided to share about acne in this post, and I think there'll be another post like this. Jadi, sebenernya ini lebih ke perasaan dan pengalaman gue secara pribadi soal bagaimana sih hidupnya seseorang dengan kulit muka yang gampaaaaang banget jerawatan. Ha! If you guys strugling with acne, I know your feeling.

Jenis jerawat yang paling sering muncul di muka gue adalah yang besar kemerahan, kalau ga salah namanya cystic (?) acne. (more about cystic acne). Jadi, kalau lagi cuci muka, terus berasa ada bump wah udah deh panik. Langsung deh bersih-bersih muka, dari maskeran atau scrubing. 

Baiklah, langsung aja deh... 

Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014

REVIEW : JF Sulfur Mild Care Facial Wash

Halloooo halo halooo... diitung-itu udah hampir sebulan nih blog ga kesentuh sama sekali humph, apalagi kalo bukan gara-gara skripsi yang menghalangi segalanya :p karena pengen ngejar selesai tahun ini, dan gue baru bab 3[ !] jadi ditinggal dulu deh segala macem aktivitas favorit *hiks.

okay, kali ini produk yang mau gue review adalah sabun cuci muka andalan kalo lagi jerawatan, yes the one and only JF sulfur! ^^
Sebelumnya gue pake yang acne care, and btw JF sulfur ini punya 4 macam jenis sabun kalo ga salah ada acne care, mild care,oily care, dan blemish care. Nah kali ini karena penasaran, dan di bungkusnya dia mengklaim bisa merawat kulit berjerawat dengan lembut, akhirnya gue beli dah ini.

Jumat, 11 Juli 2014

My Current Skincare Routine

Hello.. so today i'm going to share what i've been using as my skincare routine for a couple months. I realized, my skin is better now, but still the scars from acne didn't dissapear that easy. But, i am glad that only 2 pimples come out after i use this products regularly.

Most of the products is new for me, i've never tried them before, because usually i use skincare products from my dermatologist. And the bad news is if the products run out, my skin starting to get pimples, lot of pimples.

I don't want to depend on the products from the dermatologist. I need to find products that can make my skin better, hopefully the products is cheap and work well on me. So here i am, with my new skincare products, that currently make my skin better, not best, but i do feel grateful.

Sabtu, 05 Juli 2014

REVIEW : Garnier Pure Active Multi-Action Toner

Hello, as i promised yesterday, I'll review about this toner I just bought two days ago. Before this, i've been using Clean&Clear toner. When i saw this, and read what it claims, whoa this thing is great! that was the first thought that came to my mind. So, i decided to buy this.