Selasa, 08 Maret 2016
Gue Abisin! | edisi Februari 2016
Maret 08, 2016 beauty, bioderma, empties, jeanne arthes, loreal indonesia, parfum, personal, wardah 2 comments
Senin, 30 Maret 2015
March Haul and Upcoming Reviews!
Sabtu, 01 November 2014
Sabtu, 27 September 2014
My First Foundation Brush !! : Coastal Scents Bionic Top Flat Buffer Brush
Hi everybody! I am really excited today, because Im going to share my experience after using my very first foundation brush.
I've been using sponge to apply my foundation/ bb cream, not a beauty blender, that's tooo expensive. just for a sponge, seriously! haha poor you..
I wanted to buy the real technique actually, but it's more expensive than this brush haha i konw.. i know, there's a lot consideration before purchasing a new thing that i haven't try yet.
So, finally i bought this!
September 27, 2014 beauty, bionic flat, brush, coastal scents, foundation brush, learning makeup, makeup review, my first time Leave a Comment
Kamis, 05 Juni 2014
REVIEW : SILKYGIRL Double Intense Gel Liner
It's June already, feels like just yesterday we celebrated new year eve, and now we even reached June already, been 6 months since new year eve. Can't believe time is running so fast.
For few weeks earlier i've been busy with my thesis :/ and it's frustating, i'm tired physicaly and mentaly.
But, here we are with new review. The product is out a loong time ago but, i just bought it last month, since i usually wear liquid liner than gel type.
how i wear it |
Minggu, 25 Mei 2014
REVIEW : Maybelline Color Show Lipstick 108 Party Pink
So yesterday, finally i bought this lipstick from department store nearby, since the price is cheap, why not buy this and try it?
Back when i went home (Tangerang) few weeks ago, i came to Maybelline counter in Matahari Dept store and i saw a lot of color for this Color Show Lipstick, maybe its about 10 colors.
But when i saw this on CitraLand Semarang, they only have this about 6 colors which is a bit dissapointing because i want to buy the orange one, but they don't have it. There are only some neutral color like pink and nude.
So i bought this color since i don't have bright pink lipstick.
Minggu, 20 April 2014
Hey! It's Tarra

Hola! Guys, ada brand baru lagi nih. Gak baru banget sih, sekitar 1-2 bulan lalu Brun Brun Paris yang konon katanya saudara Sophie Martin...
Heloooo... the product i'm going to review is one of my makeup wishlist. Yep, L'oreal Mat Magique pressed powder. Because i have oil...
Helooooo Aaaaah I've been bad last month. Gue cuma berhasil memposting 1 post bulan April lalu. Mungkin karena kesibukan gue akhir -...
Hola! As you know, I have acne prone skin dan skincare gue gak terlalu banyak. I would not do 10 steps Korean skincare routine karena pe...
Hello.... Kali ini gue mau cerita review catokan yang udah gue beli sekitar dua bulan lalu. Ceritanya gue yang ngga pernah pake cat...