Minggu, 25 Mei 2014

VERSUS : MAKEUP REMOVER [ Silky Girl VS Face On Face ]

I decided to make a versus for products that i've been using and see what's the best.
Now it's time for makeup remover, I bought two, they are Silky Girl and Face On Face. They are both drugstore products (of course) very affordable, and works different on my face. Let's see how they work..

REVIEW : Maybelline Color Show Lipstick 108 Party Pink

So yesterday, finally i bought this lipstick from department store nearby, since the price is cheap, why not buy this and try it?

Back when i went home (Tangerang)  few weeks ago, i came to Maybelline counter in Matahari Dept store and i saw a lot of color for this Color Show Lipstick, maybe its about 10 colors.

But when i saw this on CitraLand Semarang, they only have this about 6 colors which is a bit dissapointing because i want to buy the orange one, but they don't have it. There are only some neutral color like pink and nude.

So i bought this color since i don't have bright pink lipstick.

Sabtu, 17 Mei 2014

SHOPPING : SuperIndo Ngesrep Semarang

Heyy... akhirnya balik lagi gue ke Semarang setelah libur colongan kemaren seminggu [lumayaan]..
Dan, swalayan SuperIndo yang terakhir gue liat lagi dibangun udah dibuka!
Pengen tau aja sih dalemnya sama harganya, prediksinya sih ga jauh beda sama Carrefour atau Hypermart.

Daann ini dia hasil buruannya :

Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

Place And Food : Mujiagae Korean Food Resto [Serpong]

Heyyyyy kalian penggemar makanan Korea dan mungkin pernah kesini atau tau tentang restoran satu ini. Mujigae, lokasinya di Mall Summarecon Serpong atau SMS. Eh Summarecon Mall Serpong berarti ya? haha ya gitu deh maksudnya.

Jadi, minggu kemaren gue kesini, penasaran denger dari temen gue, yang sering banget kesini. Okee meluncurlah gue ke Serpong.

Tempatnya gampang banget ditemuin, begitu masuk mall-nya, langsung deh ketemu, posisinya diatas Bakerzin.
Sayangnya gue ga sempet foto-foto [ga kepikiran lebih tepatnya].

Jumat, 09 Mei 2014

MY FIRST TIME : Shopping at Berrybenka.com

Heyy yaaa.. akhirnya gue nyobain beli baju di Berrybenka.com dan baru aja sampe paketnya.

Gue pesen atasan peplum, they named it viris top