Selasa, 22 Desember 2015

Make Over Ultra Hi Matte Lipstick 007 Think Pink Review

Hey Everyone!
Di postingan gue kemaren soal, gue kasih liat apa yang gue beli, lipstik dari Make Over! Ultra Hi Matte Lipstick dari Make Over ini lagi happening banget. Karena mereka baru aja ngeluarin warna-warna baru. Sayangnya gue ga beli warna barunya :( Gue kepengen yang Baby Bombshell, tapi sayangnya abis. Kalau Femme Fatale belum tentu bakal gue pake terus, dan untuk lipstik seharga 66ribu (diskon) gue rasa sayang banget. Jadilah gue beli warna favorit gue, namanya Think Pink. 

Jumat, 18 Desember 2015

Shopping di Sociolla

Telat banget tanggal segini baru bikin postingan. Akhir-akhir ini gue emang agak males buat nge blog. Keinginan sih ada, cuma mau mulainya males banget. Kamar kos gue tertutup dan mau nggak mau, gue harus beradaptasi buat ambil gambar. Sedangkan gue baru nih pake kamera DSLR. Kadang kesel sendiri kalau hasilnya ga terlalu bagus. 

But, anywaaay... Siapa nih yang belanja pas Harbolnas? Diskonnya gileeee... sayangnya gue lagi ga pegang uang buat hura-hura jadi kemaren cuma kebeli lipstik dari Sociolla. Buat yang belum tau, Sociolla itu online shop kayak Luxola. Setau gue sih dari Indonesia, mirip banget lah ya kayak Luxola. Tapi ada perbedaannya, mulai dari variasi produk, promo, ongkir, sampe paketnya. 
from Here

Kemaren itu pas Harbolnas, pertama kalinya gue belanja di Sociolla. Lipstik Make Over Ultra Hi Matte nya diskon! Dari harga 89.000 jadi 66.500, lumayan banget. Buat shade nya yang baru juga sama, sayangnya gue mau Baby Bombshell tapi udah sold out. Mau beli yang Femme Fatale kok sayang ya, that color isn't something that I'll wear often, gue prefer beli lipstik dengan harga lebih murah untuk warna yang jarang gue pake. Jadilah gue beli shade Think Pink. Sayangnya, gue agak kecewa, sama diri sendiri sih lebih tepatnya hehehe, keep reading guys..

Senin, 16 November 2015

Review : Hada Labo Labo CC Cream Ultimate Anti Aging Elegant Beige


This one is a bit different. I got the product from and it's free. If you like to try some products for free and love to share the experience you have with it, you should check the page (this is not sponsored :p )

Actually I've reviewed the item there but I'm going to write it also in this blog in English. If you want to read it in Indonesian, check this link :   

Senin, 09 November 2015

I Need To Tell You Something...

Isn' t it the most terrifying words? I hate it when someone says that. It's like I vae some mistake and I need to hear something bad because of it. But, no.. This isn't a bad thing that I'll tell you. 
Well, things happen for the last 2 months and hell I don't even notice, 2 months has been passed. These things that happen to me is a bit overwhelming, it's frustrating but sometimes give me joy. 

That's probably one of many reasons I haven't got a chance to write for this blog again. I miss it so much, I miss my time when I could write reviews or share some shopping experiences into this blog. But working have been taking my time, a lot and I haven't (couldn't) find how to manage my time to write again. 

My place right now even have very bad connection, it sucks! I need to move somewhere, but finding a new place is harder than moving. 

Okay, what I'm going to tell you is that I want to fill this blog with more various content. I mean, I want to write about other things. Maybe movie reviews or some my activities ( excluding Working ). This doesn't mean I won't write about beauty reviews, I will still write about it ( I love it!) but I think this changes will make my "writing" place more varies (okay, smile everyone! ^^ )

Okay, that's it. I should've write something useful after MIA for a month *sigh 
I promise I'll write some fun stuffs next time you see an update in this blog *cheers 

thanks for reading

Selasa, 29 September 2015

Belanja Dari Aplikasi Qoo10 ( Diskon + Kualitas Barang + Bayar Qoo10 pake FinPay)

Siapa yang nggak tau Qoo10 ?! Website belanja yang satu ini emang belom keliatan iklannya di tv, tapi kalau kalian sering belanja online pasti udah sering liat iklannya dimana-mana. Kalian tau gimana bacanya ga sih? Banyak nih temen gue masih bingung cara baca Qoo10. Kalau gue sih bacanya koten (Qoo 10(ten) ). 

Singkat cerita, di BBM sekarang udah banyak buanget iklannya. Nah si Qoo10 ini selalu berseliweran di timeline gue. Gue sebagai wanita yang lemah akan gempuran diskon online, akhirnya gue tergoda buat beli celana kulot! 

Jumat, 18 September 2015

Pesen Makanan Pake GOFOOD by GOJEK

Oi Oi!
Kalau kalian pernah liat aplikasi Gojek, nah disitu ada namanya GO-FOOD. Intinya, kalian bisa pake ini buat beli makanan apa aja, dimana aja, dianter sama mamang GOJEK! Asik kan?! Iya! Kalo GRATIS. Hahaha. 

Jadi, setelah gue mencoba dianter kesana sini sama Gojek, gue iseng kepo,laper,mager akhirnya, gue pesen makanan deh pake Gojek. Begimana caranye? Keep reading ...

Selasa, 15 September 2015

Ngojek Pake GRABBIKE

Soo, how's everyone doing? Good? Hope so!
I won't tell you my excuse why I've been gone from this blog quite a long time :p
Okay, langsung pada intinya. Siapa yang udah coba Grabbike?! Grabbike ini adalah pesaingnya GoJek. Service yang ditawarkan si Grabbike sebenernya lebih variatif, kalau kalian download Grabbike, disana ada GrabTaxi, GrabCar dan GrabBike itu sendiri. Bahkan aplikasinya sendiri namanya GrabTaxi. Tadinya, gue pikir gue salah download, ternyata tenang aja guys, emang gitu kok dia ^^
Karena waktu itu ada promo Grabbike goceng doang, gue ga mau ketinggalan dong! ga mau rugi! 
Kayak apa rasanya naik Grabbike? You better stay there!

Selasa, 14 Juli 2015

Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack Sexy Red

Holaaa !

This lip tint has been raved by beauty blogger. I know this from Wishtrend, mereka upload foto soal lip tint yang dipakenya kayak masker peel off. Seru banget kaaan. Udah lama sih gue ngincer lip tint ini, dan udah banyak juga blogger-blogger yang review dan kebanyakan responnya positif.

Sabtu, 11 Juli 2015

Beli Softlens Online di ( Softlens Bening 101)

Hey everyone!
Can't believe I haven't posted anything yet this month! and only managed to write one post last month! But, believe me I have reasons why. 
Gue lagi cari kerja! Haha. Sebagai manusia yang sudah lulus kuliah, dibayarin ortu, kewajiban lo selanjutnya adalah cari kerja. Kecuali lo udah disiapin calon suami, ya tinggal kawin aja dah. Unfortunately, my parents didn't have that, haha. Which is a good thing! Gak kebayang gue nikah seumuran gini. Tapi kalo diajakin, hayuklah! *ngarep

But, I have a good news! Gue keterima kerja! Horeee! Berkah ramadhan yaa bro sist. Dan gue baru mulai kerja bulan Agustus, jadi ada waktu kosong buat cari kos-kosan. Buat yang tau kos-kosan kosong di daerah Slipi, kasih tau dooong hehe. 

Okaaay, now back to business. Ada yang pernah beli softlens online? 
Nah, kemaren kapan,gue lupa soflens gue rusak. Iya, rusak, sobek gitu gara-gara ngga pas ditaruh di tengah, jadi kena tutupnya walhasil sobek deh huhuhu. 

Sayangnya agak susah nyari softlens bening di deket rumah gue, mana mahal lagi. Gue dulu sempet mau beli softlens di, tapi karena pake ongkir, dan deket kosan di Semarang ada yang jual dengan harga yang sama. Gue ga jadi beli deh, mayan kan 18ribu hehe. 

Sabtu, 13 Juni 2015

Pengalaman Ngojek Pake GO-JEK

Hellooow everyone!

Hmmm I only managed to write 2 posts last month, and that's not because I'm too lazy to write (but of course one of the reasons) but I've been busy looking for a job! for Godsake! hahaha. I also didn't buy anything last month, so nothing I could review *excuse *excuse.

Tapiiiii kemaren ini nih, gue baru aja mengalami pengalaman baru naik ojek! Haha! 
Ceritanya gue kemaren dapet panggilan tes psikotes di daerah Kemang Timur, dan gue sama sekali ga tau angkutan yang lewat situ, belom lagi posisi kantornya yang sama sekali ga kebayang. Setelah mikir panjang dan tanya-tanya adek gue, dia sih bilang naik taksi aja dari halte busway terdekat. Ya kalii jam segitu (jam 9 pagi) naik taksi, Bisa tekor kaaaan hhuhuhhu. 


Then, gue memutuskan untuk nyobain naik ojek pake GO-JEK. Agak was - was sih, soalnya tarifnya pasti mahal, Gue berencana jalan dari Cengkareng langsung ke Kemang. Tapi ternyataaaa.... begitu download, terus input starting point sampe tujuan kurang lebih 22 km harnganya 10.000 aja. Ah pasti salah nih, gue pikir begitu. 

Rabu, 20 Mei 2015

Viva Eye Shadow Cream in Coklat Dark & Silver [ Review & Swatch ]


How's everyone? I am fine, and yeah just like another day, my days filled with writing articles and applying jobs. And it's frustrating T_T but, you got to do what you got to do right?
Anyway, this time I'll review an eye shadow from local product, it's Viva and you guys must be very familiar with this brand. 

Kalian juga mungkin pernah tau eye shadow dalam bentuk krim seperti punyanya Maybelline, they named it Color Tattoo. Nah, Viva ini punya juga eye shadow krim yang pastinya jauh lebih murah dari Maybelline. Selain Viva, produk lokal yang punya eye shadow krim itu Ranee. I bought two shades of this : coklat dark and silver. Jangan tanya kenapa namanya coklat dark bukannya dark chocolate atau apalah gitu yang lebih enak didenger haha. 

Apakah produk lokal yang satu ini bisa menyaingi produk luar ? Keep reading!

Sabtu, 02 Mei 2015

REVIEW : JF Sulfur Acne Care


This one is the most popular soap out there to help you with your acne, also my post about other version of this is the most visited of all my posts. It's the one and only JF Sulfur! yeay! 
This time, versi JF Sulfur yang akan gue bahas adalah yang Acne Care, which is claimed to cure your acne in 2 weeks! whoaa that sounds good. Now, let's keep reading!

Minggu, 26 April 2015

REVIEW : Silky Girl Hydra Clean Makeup Remover

Hello everyone! I'm back with a new review and again from Silky Girl. Their products is verry afordable and as good as the famous Maybelline bahasanya harga bersaing gitu deh. But, Silky Girl has more cheaper products than Maybelline, agree? 

Okay, I've tried their make up remover, the one with oil based. One day, I found this make up remover, I thought this is new and since I ran out my make up remover, I bought this. But, this one surprised me! why? keep reading ..

Minggu, 19 April 2015

REVIEW : Silky Girl Precision Sharp Eyeliner Pen 01 Blackest Black

I am really happy finally I bought a pen eyeliner! I didn't know if Silky Girl has a pen eyeliner before. But few days ago, when I went to the counter and asked about pen eyeliner the BA said they have it! and it's very affordable.

Selasa, 07 April 2015

REVIEW : Wardah Acne Treatment Gel

Hello fellas!
Today, the product I'm going to review is related to acne! yeaaay! hahaha. Why am I so excited about that? hmm. Obat jerawat Sariayu gue udah abis, plus kesenggol jadi pecah (lagi!) dan kemaren gue memutuskan untuk ganti obat jerawat, dan pilihan jatuh kepada Wardah. 

Kamis, 02 April 2015

What's Happening Right Now?!! [ and Online Shop]

Hey there!

Postingan kali ini bukan mau ngomongin soal review baik itu kosmetik atau shopping. Tapiiiii, gue mau cerita sedikit apa yang sedang gue jalani (ecieeeh) dan masih berunsur beauty dan shopping pastinya.

If you notice, on the right bar there's a badge/ picture MATOME >>>>> 
Yep, gue lagi berkontribusi sebagai penulis or they call us "curator". What is Matome ? Matome dalam bahasa Jepang artinya resume, atau ringkasan. Konsepnya adalah artikel di adalah sebuah ringkasan dari kumpulan informasi di internet. 

Senin, 30 Maret 2015

March Haul and Upcoming Reviews!

Hey everyone!

I'm not the kind that always continously post about a haul. Because, I'm trying not to spend money every single month for cosmetics ( damn that's hard) But it's not that hard when I don't have money :p. So, I notice that I bought several items this month, some are something I really need and others are because I want it. Let's take a look...

Senin, 23 Maret 2015

REVIEW : Ellips Hair Vitamin with Pro-Keratin Complex

Hey everyone! Have you heard about this hair vitamin? I bet you have tried this, most of us, women always try to make our hair smoother and use this kind of hair vitamin because it easy to use and also verryy affordable, right? 

Ellips is very famous for it's hair vitamin, and this is their newest product. I saw some bloggers posted about this and also there's a blogging competition. But, yeah I hadn't got time to buy this. Today, I'm going to tell you how this stuff works on me.

Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015

REVIEW : Just Miss Liquid Eyeliner Black

Hola! I believe you guys knew this eyeliner! Buat kalian yang doyan ke toko aksesoris Stroberi (atau strawberry ?) pasti suka liat ada jejeran makeup yang harganya murah banget di samping kuteks. Gue sih sempet berpikiran, nih beneran bisa dipake? hehehe. Maksudnya, kok murah banget dan jujur ya, kemasannya keliatan abal gitu. 

Tapi, suatu hari, temen gue minta dianterin buat beli eyelinernya. Ternyata itu titipan kakaknya, dan dia beli sampe tiga biji! widiiih, favorit banget nih kayaknya. Akhirnya, gue ikutan coba beli juga deh.

Selasa, 17 Maret 2015

Acne Story : What It's Like To Have Acne-Prone Skin?

Hey readers! I decided to share about acne in this post, and I think there'll be another post like this. Jadi, sebenernya ini lebih ke perasaan dan pengalaman gue secara pribadi soal bagaimana sih hidupnya seseorang dengan kulit muka yang gampaaaaang banget jerawatan. Ha! If you guys strugling with acne, I know your feeling.

Jenis jerawat yang paling sering muncul di muka gue adalah yang besar kemerahan, kalau ga salah namanya cystic (?) acne. (more about cystic acne). Jadi, kalau lagi cuci muka, terus berasa ada bump wah udah deh panik. Langsung deh bersih-bersih muka, dari maskeran atau scrubing. 

Baiklah, langsung aja deh... 

Jumat, 06 Maret 2015

Shopping : Beli Tiket di Traveloka

Dear readers! Kali ini gue mau share pengalaman naik pesawat pertama kali dan juga beli tiket di Traveloka. Iya, gue baru pertama kali naek pesawat :p untungnya ada temen, jadi ngga takut hehe. Karena gue beli tiketnya di Traveloka, jadi kita anggap saja ini salah satu bentuk belanja online atau online shopping, setuju?? hehehe. 

Traveloka ini lagi rame banget di TV, dengan menggembor-gemborkan kalau beli tiket di mereka ngga ada dana tambahan dan banyak tiket/voucher promo. So, kemaren temen gue pesen lewat Traveloka. 

Kamis, 05 Maret 2015

REVIEW : Sariayu Acne Care Facial Foam

Dear readers! My journey to find the right skincare to kill those acnes is not end yet. Gue udah tau dari lama kalau sariayu emang punya pembersih muka khusus jerawat. Udah lama gue pake obat jerawatnya dan belum kepikiran buat nyobain pencuci mukanya, selain karena gue cocok sama Clean n Clear dan belum abis juga pencuci muka gue itu. 

But, finally gue memantapkan hati buat nyobain facial foam dari sariayu ini. Keep reading if you want to know the result. 

Sabtu, 21 Februari 2015

REVIEW : Wardah Every Day Beauty Balm Cream spf 30 in Light

Helloo, have you heard about this brand new product from Wardah? They launched this bb cream awhile ago, and I bought this last month. Setelah produk bb cream dari korea mewabah tahun lalu, tahun ini produk lokal pada ngeluarin bb cream. Dari wardah sampe Pixy yang kalau ga salah ngeluarin hampir barengan. Nah, gue yang pastinya teracuni barang baru akhirnya beli yang ukuran kecilnya.

Kamis, 19 Februari 2015

Shopping : Belanja Sepatu Online

I've bought 3 pairs of shoes online dan semuanya beli di Zalora. First, you should know that this is not a sponsored post, I bought the shoes with my own money.

Ada beberapa hal yang wajib kalian perhatiin kalau beli sepatu lewat online shop atau toko online. Ngga mau kan, nanti nya malah ngga muat atau ngga enak dipakai. Nah gue pernah beberapa kali beli sepatu online, walaupun belum pernah beli di berbagai tempat atau beda toko online, tapi hal-hal yang berikut ini selalu jadi pegangan gue kalau mau beli sepatu online. Let's check them out!

Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015

My Graduation Story

Hey hey hey! It's been almost 3 weeks after my graduation and I'm going to share what happened when the day came. Gue mau cerita seluk beluk beserta segala kerepotan (yang dibuat repot) dalam menghadapi wisudaan.

Cewek itu ribet! banyak banget yang harus dipikirin kalo ada acara-acara khusus kayak gini, ya makeup ya baju, sampe sepatu dan clutch yang mau dipake biar kece pas hari H, hehe.

Sabtu, 07 Februari 2015

Shopping : Cemil Cimol ( Delivery Cimol )

Hello dear... I am soo excited to tell you about this snack! Yep, Cemil Cimol. Ini sebenernya sejenis cimol biasa yang sering ditemuin di pinggir jalan itu, cuma konsep mereka dijual online dengan berbagai jenis taburan rasa. Gue udah sering banget liat di Instagram berseliweran nih cimol, dan mereka sering banget ikut festival-festival yang kayaknya lagi happening banget di Jakarta.

Berhubung kepo sama yang lagi heboh di dunia maya [ iya saya lemah banget :( ] jadilah Senin lalu gue pesen ini.


Kamis, 05 Februari 2015

REVIEW : Ranee Moisturizer Lipstick Garnet 16

Hey everyone, It's February already! I can't believe time flies soooo fast, rasanya baru kemaren bulan Februari baru selesai bikin laporan magang dan lagi pusing mikirin proposal skripsi. Sekarang udah berubah aja statusnya dari mahasiswa ke fresh graduate (kalo ga mau dibilang pengangguran hehe).

Nah, kali ini review lipstik lagi yaaa, sebenernya udah kepengen beli lipstik ini dari dulu cuma baru kesampean kemaren. Btw ada yang kenal sama brand Ranee? Ini asli Indonesia punya loh. Kalau lebih sering beli kosmetik di toko kosmetik lokal, pasti udah tau nih. Ranee ini ngga pernah gue temuin di mall, walaupun mall kecil. This also my first time trying this brand.

the color is navy, sorry for bad lighting

Sabtu, 31 Januari 2015

Thinking Of You

So few days ago I read about this fun tagging things from a blog by Diah Fara Dilla [ read here ], I followed her blog and halo Dilla, if you read this, nice to know your blog ^^. 
I thought it'll be fun to do this. Basically, it's a "tagging game", you know, when someone tag you to do things [fun things ^^]. Here's the rule :

Senin, 12 Januari 2015

REVIEW : Rivera Lipstick no. 14 Velvet Violet

Heloooo ... First, before I start the review, I want to tell you, everyone that comes to my blog, that I changed my url. Why? because I don't really like my old url.
So now, the url for my blog is


Gue beli lipstik ini udah dari November lalu, waktu swatch sample di konter Rivera, langsung suka gitu gue sama warna nya.
 I like the shape :)

Senin, 05 Januari 2015

REVIEW : Mustika Ratu Body Butter Coffee

Hello... so I tell you, this is my first body butter I've ever bought. Sebenernya agak maju mundur sih ya beli nya. Mengingat fungsi body butter ga jauh beda sama body lotion. This one is from Mustika Ratu, gue pilih yang kopi soalnya varian wangi yang lain kurang suka. Ada olive aka zaitun, terus yang warna pink wangi bunga apa gitu, dan cuma ada sekitar 5 varian yang gue tau.

Okay, let's go to the review

Kamis, 01 Januari 2015

Shopping : New Clutch From MANIKAN !!!

Happy New Year!!!
New year, discounts, and shopping spree... hahaha
Yes, discount all over the places >.< I just can't ... OMG. Okay, but seriously, I planned to spend my money on end year sale and got some stuffs on discount (i'll tell you later) but this one, I've been eyeing this brand for a long time. For me, if I want to buy something from new place (web, brand, etc) I need to start from low price. I dont want to regret if it's going to dissapoint me haha.

So, Manikan is Indonesian brand, they sell clutches, bags, etc and they based in Bali. You can check them at

REVIEW : Himalaya Herbals Purifying Neem Mask

Heei, if you read my previous post, I promised to review the products I have bought couple months ago. Nah, yang pertama mau gue review adalah masker dari Himalaya Herbals, udah sekitar 6-7 kali gue pake masker ini, dan hasilnya kurang lebih sama setiap pemakaian.