Selasa, 15 Juli 2014

Beli Produk Korea Online, Asli kah? Kok lebih murah?

Hellloooo friends!

Kali ini gue bakal sharing soal belanja produk kosmetik korea lewat toko online, atau dari media sosial kayak facebook dan instagram, dan disitulah emang yang paling banyak jualan produk korea.

Seperti judulnya, beneran ngga sih nih? kok murah banget?
buat kalian yang baru atau mungkin pernah beli sekali, pertanyaan kayak gitu wajar banget terlintas. Awalnya gue pun ragu-ragu banget, pertama kali temen gue nge-tag di FB soal toko online yang jualan kosmetik korea.

Yaa you know lah ya, banyak banget yang jualan produk kecantikan murah abal-abal yang bisa bikin kulit putih dalam waktu sehari dua hari dijual online. Mungkin ini juga salah satu kenapa kita, termasuk gue awalnya nggak yakin sama barang yang dijual. This is going to be a long post, so buckle up! ^^

Okay, sebelumnya, gue bakal memperkenalkan atau memperlihatkan lebih okenya, beberapa penampakan barang yang dijual di Instagram :

Jumat, 11 Juli 2014

REVIEW : Secret Key Snail+EGF Repairing Gel Cream

So, the second post otday is a review about my current favorite gel cream. I use this as moisturizer after toner. First i'm a bit skeptical about this, and also i think twice before buy this, because its made from snail's fluid. I don't know what it called. Ewww i hate snail :((

But, after reading a lot of good reviews, especially reviews from blogger who suffered from acne and how this work well on them. I decided to buy this!

My Current Skincare Routine

Hello.. so today i'm going to share what i've been using as my skincare routine for a couple months. I realized, my skin is better now, but still the scars from acne didn't dissapear that easy. But, i am glad that only 2 pimples come out after i use this products regularly.

Most of the products is new for me, i've never tried them before, because usually i use skincare products from my dermatologist. And the bad news is if the products run out, my skin starting to get pimples, lot of pimples.

I don't want to depend on the products from the dermatologist. I need to find products that can make my skin better, hopefully the products is cheap and work well on me. So here i am, with my new skincare products, that currently make my skin better, not best, but i do feel grateful.

Sabtu, 05 Juli 2014

REVIEW : Garnier Pure Active Multi-Action Toner

Hello, as i promised yesterday, I'll review about this toner I just bought two days ago. Before this, i've been using Clean&Clear toner. When i saw this, and read what it claims, whoa this thing is great! that was the first thought that came to my mind. So, i decided to buy this.

Jumat, 04 Juli 2014

June and Early July Haul

So today's post is about haul, what ever i've bought recently, about 2 weeks ago and yesterday. So check 'em out!

mmmmm.. okay
These are very cheap products, and you can see viva is very affordable, the eyeshadow is only about IDR 7.000, i'll write the complete price list below :

Rabu, 02 Juli 2014

SHOPPING : Pengalaman COD di Zalora Indonesia

Hi! another post about shopping today. Semoga ga bosen ya :D
Dua minggu terakhir emang lagi sering belanja online nih, bukan gara-gara lagi banyak duit kok :/ hehe, nah kali ini gue mau cerita pengalaman gue belanja di Zalora dengan pembayaran COD atau Cash On Delivery. 

COD ini cara kerjanya, kalian bayar barangnya pas dianter sama kurir, jadi ga perlu transfer tinggal tunggu aja kurirnya dateng terus bayar deh.

Perlu diingat, lokasi gue di Semarang Kota yah, nah sebelum cerita panjang lebar, gue mau kasih liat penampakan paket yang dateng dari Zalora.

Selasa, 01 Juli 2014

SHOPPING : Handmade Transprent Bag from Dainty's Handmade Semarang

Helloo... yap, again, gue mau share pengalaman shopping di online shop handmade asal Semarang, namanya Dainty's Handmade. Gue termasuk yang hampir ngga pernah beli barang-barang handmade, karena berbagai alasan. Mulai dari ragu-ragu dengan kualitas bahannya, jahitannya, sampe harganya yang kadang kemahalan.

Ya.. siapa sih yang mau rugi, udah bayar lebih mahal, eh taunya bahannya ngga oke. Kalau beli barang murah, kayak udah tau gitu konsekuensinya, kalo jelek, ya namanya juga murah, dan barang masal. Kalau bagus, ya untung banget, iya ngga? hehe...

Langsung deh, ini yang gue beli :

Taken from their instagram