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Tampilkan postingan dengan label garnier. Tampilkan semua postingan

Rabu, 24 Mei 2017

Review Skin Care Jerawat yang Pernah Dicoba (Sariayu, Acnes, JF Sulfur, dll) | HeyTarra


Dulu banget gue sempet bahas soal "Rasanya Punya Muka Jerawatan" dan itu di tahun 2015. Walaupun kondisi muka gue udah gak separah dulu, tapi jerawat pasti masih muncul apalagi mendekati waktu menstruasi. Nah urusan gue sama jerawat yang sepanjang jalan kenangan ini membuat gue nyoba segala jenis produk yang dibilang ampuh buat ngilangin jerawat. Marilah kita lihat ke belakang produk buat jerawat apa aja yang pernah gue pake, gimana hasilnya dan apa masih gue pake sampe sekarang?

Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014

REVIEW : Garnier Oil Clear Astringent

Hello friends... so this Tuesday, I want to tell you about another toner from Garnier. I love my toner from Garnier, you can see that on my skincare routine here

I found this toner a while ago, and because it claims to make your oily face shine-free, so i bought it!

Jumat, 11 Juli 2014

My Current Skincare Routine

Hello.. so today i'm going to share what i've been using as my skincare routine for a couple months. I realized, my skin is better now, but still the scars from acne didn't dissapear that easy. But, i am glad that only 2 pimples come out after i use this products regularly.

Most of the products is new for me, i've never tried them before, because usually i use skincare products from my dermatologist. And the bad news is if the products run out, my skin starting to get pimples, lot of pimples.

I don't want to depend on the products from the dermatologist. I need to find products that can make my skin better, hopefully the products is cheap and work well on me. So here i am, with my new skincare products, that currently make my skin better, not best, but i do feel grateful.

Sabtu, 05 Juli 2014

REVIEW : Garnier Pure Active Multi-Action Toner

Hello, as i promised yesterday, I'll review about this toner I just bought two days ago. Before this, i've been using Clean&Clear toner. When i saw this, and read what it claims, whoa this thing is great! that was the first thought that came to my mind. So, i decided to buy this.