Sabtu, 13 Juni 2015

Pengalaman Ngojek Pake GO-JEK

Hellooow everyone!

Hmmm I only managed to write 2 posts last month, and that's not because I'm too lazy to write (but of course one of the reasons) but I've been busy looking for a job! for Godsake! hahaha. I also didn't buy anything last month, so nothing I could review *excuse *excuse.

Tapiiiii kemaren ini nih, gue baru aja mengalami pengalaman baru naik ojek! Haha! 
Ceritanya gue kemaren dapet panggilan tes psikotes di daerah Kemang Timur, dan gue sama sekali ga tau angkutan yang lewat situ, belom lagi posisi kantornya yang sama sekali ga kebayang. Setelah mikir panjang dan tanya-tanya adek gue, dia sih bilang naik taksi aja dari halte busway terdekat. Ya kalii jam segitu (jam 9 pagi) naik taksi, Bisa tekor kaaaan hhuhuhhu. 


Then, gue memutuskan untuk nyobain naik ojek pake GO-JEK. Agak was - was sih, soalnya tarifnya pasti mahal, Gue berencana jalan dari Cengkareng langsung ke Kemang. Tapi ternyataaaa.... begitu download, terus input starting point sampe tujuan kurang lebih 22 km harnganya 10.000 aja. Ah pasti salah nih, gue pikir begitu. 

Rabu, 20 Mei 2015

Viva Eye Shadow Cream in Coklat Dark & Silver [ Review & Swatch ]


How's everyone? I am fine, and yeah just like another day, my days filled with writing articles and applying jobs. And it's frustrating T_T but, you got to do what you got to do right?
Anyway, this time I'll review an eye shadow from local product, it's Viva and you guys must be very familiar with this brand. 

Kalian juga mungkin pernah tau eye shadow dalam bentuk krim seperti punyanya Maybelline, they named it Color Tattoo. Nah, Viva ini punya juga eye shadow krim yang pastinya jauh lebih murah dari Maybelline. Selain Viva, produk lokal yang punya eye shadow krim itu Ranee. I bought two shades of this : coklat dark and silver. Jangan tanya kenapa namanya coklat dark bukannya dark chocolate atau apalah gitu yang lebih enak didenger haha. 

Apakah produk lokal yang satu ini bisa menyaingi produk luar ? Keep reading!

Sabtu, 02 Mei 2015

REVIEW : JF Sulfur Acne Care


This one is the most popular soap out there to help you with your acne, also my post about other version of this is the most visited of all my posts. It's the one and only JF Sulfur! yeay! 
This time, versi JF Sulfur yang akan gue bahas adalah yang Acne Care, which is claimed to cure your acne in 2 weeks! whoaa that sounds good. Now, let's keep reading!

Minggu, 26 April 2015

REVIEW : Silky Girl Hydra Clean Makeup Remover

Hello everyone! I'm back with a new review and again from Silky Girl. Their products is verry afordable and as good as the famous Maybelline bahasanya harga bersaing gitu deh. But, Silky Girl has more cheaper products than Maybelline, agree? 

Okay, I've tried their make up remover, the one with oil based. One day, I found this make up remover, I thought this is new and since I ran out my make up remover, I bought this. But, this one surprised me! why? keep reading ..

Minggu, 19 April 2015

REVIEW : Silky Girl Precision Sharp Eyeliner Pen 01 Blackest Black

I am really happy finally I bought a pen eyeliner! I didn't know if Silky Girl has a pen eyeliner before. But few days ago, when I went to the counter and asked about pen eyeliner the BA said they have it! and it's very affordable.

Selasa, 07 April 2015

REVIEW : Wardah Acne Treatment Gel

Hello fellas!
Today, the product I'm going to review is related to acne! yeaaay! hahaha. Why am I so excited about that? hmm. Obat jerawat Sariayu gue udah abis, plus kesenggol jadi pecah (lagi!) dan kemaren gue memutuskan untuk ganti obat jerawat, dan pilihan jatuh kepada Wardah. 

Kamis, 02 April 2015

What's Happening Right Now?!! [ and Online Shop]

Hey there!

Postingan kali ini bukan mau ngomongin soal review baik itu kosmetik atau shopping. Tapiiiii, gue mau cerita sedikit apa yang sedang gue jalani (ecieeeh) dan masih berunsur beauty dan shopping pastinya.

If you notice, on the right bar there's a badge/ picture MATOME >>>>> 
Yep, gue lagi berkontribusi sebagai penulis or they call us "curator". What is Matome ? Matome dalam bahasa Jepang artinya resume, atau ringkasan. Konsepnya adalah artikel di adalah sebuah ringkasan dari kumpulan informasi di internet.