Selasa, 07 April 2015

REVIEW : Wardah Acne Treatment Gel

Hello fellas!
Today, the product I'm going to review is related to acne! yeaaay! hahaha. Why am I so excited about that? hmm. Obat jerawat Sariayu gue udah abis, plus kesenggol jadi pecah (lagi!) dan kemaren gue memutuskan untuk ganti obat jerawat, dan pilihan jatuh kepada Wardah. 

Kamis, 02 April 2015

What's Happening Right Now?!! [ and Online Shop]

Hey there!

Postingan kali ini bukan mau ngomongin soal review baik itu kosmetik atau shopping. Tapiiiii, gue mau cerita sedikit apa yang sedang gue jalani (ecieeeh) dan masih berunsur beauty dan shopping pastinya.

If you notice, on the right bar there's a badge/ picture MATOME >>>>> 
Yep, gue lagi berkontribusi sebagai penulis or they call us "curator". What is Matome ? Matome dalam bahasa Jepang artinya resume, atau ringkasan. Konsepnya adalah artikel di adalah sebuah ringkasan dari kumpulan informasi di internet. 

Senin, 30 Maret 2015

March Haul and Upcoming Reviews!

Hey everyone!

I'm not the kind that always continously post about a haul. Because, I'm trying not to spend money every single month for cosmetics ( damn that's hard) But it's not that hard when I don't have money :p. So, I notice that I bought several items this month, some are something I really need and others are because I want it. Let's take a look...

Senin, 23 Maret 2015

REVIEW : Ellips Hair Vitamin with Pro-Keratin Complex

Hey everyone! Have you heard about this hair vitamin? I bet you have tried this, most of us, women always try to make our hair smoother and use this kind of hair vitamin because it easy to use and also verryy affordable, right? 

Ellips is very famous for it's hair vitamin, and this is their newest product. I saw some bloggers posted about this and also there's a blogging competition. But, yeah I hadn't got time to buy this. Today, I'm going to tell you how this stuff works on me.

Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015

REVIEW : Just Miss Liquid Eyeliner Black

Hola! I believe you guys knew this eyeliner! Buat kalian yang doyan ke toko aksesoris Stroberi (atau strawberry ?) pasti suka liat ada jejeran makeup yang harganya murah banget di samping kuteks. Gue sih sempet berpikiran, nih beneran bisa dipake? hehehe. Maksudnya, kok murah banget dan jujur ya, kemasannya keliatan abal gitu. 

Tapi, suatu hari, temen gue minta dianterin buat beli eyelinernya. Ternyata itu titipan kakaknya, dan dia beli sampe tiga biji! widiiih, favorit banget nih kayaknya. Akhirnya, gue ikutan coba beli juga deh.