Sabtu, 07 Februari 2015

Shopping : Cemil Cimol ( Delivery Cimol )

Hello dear... I am soo excited to tell you about this snack! Yep, Cemil Cimol. Ini sebenernya sejenis cimol biasa yang sering ditemuin di pinggir jalan itu, cuma konsep mereka dijual online dengan berbagai jenis taburan rasa. Gue udah sering banget liat di Instagram berseliweran nih cimol, dan mereka sering banget ikut festival-festival yang kayaknya lagi happening banget di Jakarta.

Berhubung kepo sama yang lagi heboh di dunia maya [ iya saya lemah banget :( ] jadilah Senin lalu gue pesen ini.


Kamis, 05 Februari 2015

REVIEW : Ranee Moisturizer Lipstick Garnet 16

Hey everyone, It's February already! I can't believe time flies soooo fast, rasanya baru kemaren bulan Februari baru selesai bikin laporan magang dan lagi pusing mikirin proposal skripsi. Sekarang udah berubah aja statusnya dari mahasiswa ke fresh graduate (kalo ga mau dibilang pengangguran hehe).

Nah, kali ini review lipstik lagi yaaa, sebenernya udah kepengen beli lipstik ini dari dulu cuma baru kesampean kemaren. Btw ada yang kenal sama brand Ranee? Ini asli Indonesia punya loh. Kalau lebih sering beli kosmetik di toko kosmetik lokal, pasti udah tau nih. Ranee ini ngga pernah gue temuin di mall, walaupun mall kecil. This also my first time trying this brand.

the color is navy, sorry for bad lighting

Sabtu, 31 Januari 2015

Thinking Of You

So few days ago I read about this fun tagging things from a blog by Diah Fara Dilla [ read here ], I followed her blog and halo Dilla, if you read this, nice to know your blog ^^. 
I thought it'll be fun to do this. Basically, it's a "tagging game", you know, when someone tag you to do things [fun things ^^]. Here's the rule :

Senin, 12 Januari 2015

REVIEW : Rivera Lipstick no. 14 Velvet Violet

Heloooo ... First, before I start the review, I want to tell you, everyone that comes to my blog, that I changed my url. Why? because I don't really like my old url.
So now, the url for my blog is


Gue beli lipstik ini udah dari November lalu, waktu swatch sample di konter Rivera, langsung suka gitu gue sama warna nya.
 I like the shape :)

Senin, 05 Januari 2015

REVIEW : Mustika Ratu Body Butter Coffee

Hello... so I tell you, this is my first body butter I've ever bought. Sebenernya agak maju mundur sih ya beli nya. Mengingat fungsi body butter ga jauh beda sama body lotion. This one is from Mustika Ratu, gue pilih yang kopi soalnya varian wangi yang lain kurang suka. Ada olive aka zaitun, terus yang warna pink wangi bunga apa gitu, dan cuma ada sekitar 5 varian yang gue tau.

Okay, let's go to the review

Kamis, 01 Januari 2015

Shopping : New Clutch From MANIKAN !!!

Happy New Year!!!
New year, discounts, and shopping spree... hahaha
Yes, discount all over the places >.< I just can't ... OMG. Okay, but seriously, I planned to spend my money on end year sale and got some stuffs on discount (i'll tell you later) but this one, I've been eyeing this brand for a long time. For me, if I want to buy something from new place (web, brand, etc) I need to start from low price. I dont want to regret if it's going to dissapoint me haha.

So, Manikan is Indonesian brand, they sell clutches, bags, etc and they based in Bali. You can check them at

REVIEW : Himalaya Herbals Purifying Neem Mask

Heei, if you read my previous post, I promised to review the products I have bought couple months ago. Nah, yang pertama mau gue review adalah masker dari Himalaya Herbals, udah sekitar 6-7 kali gue pake masker ini, dan hasilnya kurang lebih sama setiap pemakaian.