Selasa, 22 Desember 2015

Make Over Ultra Hi Matte Lipstick 007 Think Pink Review

Hey Everyone!
Di postingan gue kemaren soal, gue kasih liat apa yang gue beli, lipstik dari Make Over! Ultra Hi Matte Lipstick dari Make Over ini lagi happening banget. Karena mereka baru aja ngeluarin warna-warna baru. Sayangnya gue ga beli warna barunya :( Gue kepengen yang Baby Bombshell, tapi sayangnya abis. Kalau Femme Fatale belum tentu bakal gue pake terus, dan untuk lipstik seharga 66ribu (diskon) gue rasa sayang banget. Jadilah gue beli warna favorit gue, namanya Think Pink. 

Jumat, 18 Desember 2015

Shopping di Sociolla

Telat banget tanggal segini baru bikin postingan. Akhir-akhir ini gue emang agak males buat nge blog. Keinginan sih ada, cuma mau mulainya males banget. Kamar kos gue tertutup dan mau nggak mau, gue harus beradaptasi buat ambil gambar. Sedangkan gue baru nih pake kamera DSLR. Kadang kesel sendiri kalau hasilnya ga terlalu bagus. 

But, anywaaay... Siapa nih yang belanja pas Harbolnas? Diskonnya gileeee... sayangnya gue lagi ga pegang uang buat hura-hura jadi kemaren cuma kebeli lipstik dari Sociolla. Buat yang belum tau, Sociolla itu online shop kayak Luxola. Setau gue sih dari Indonesia, mirip banget lah ya kayak Luxola. Tapi ada perbedaannya, mulai dari variasi produk, promo, ongkir, sampe paketnya. 
from Here

Kemaren itu pas Harbolnas, pertama kalinya gue belanja di Sociolla. Lipstik Make Over Ultra Hi Matte nya diskon! Dari harga 89.000 jadi 66.500, lumayan banget. Buat shade nya yang baru juga sama, sayangnya gue mau Baby Bombshell tapi udah sold out. Mau beli yang Femme Fatale kok sayang ya, that color isn't something that I'll wear often, gue prefer beli lipstik dengan harga lebih murah untuk warna yang jarang gue pake. Jadilah gue beli shade Think Pink. Sayangnya, gue agak kecewa, sama diri sendiri sih lebih tepatnya hehehe, keep reading guys..

Senin, 16 November 2015

Review : Hada Labo Labo CC Cream Ultimate Anti Aging Elegant Beige


This one is a bit different. I got the product from and it's free. If you like to try some products for free and love to share the experience you have with it, you should check the page (this is not sponsored :p )

Actually I've reviewed the item there but I'm going to write it also in this blog in English. If you want to read it in Indonesian, check this link :   

Senin, 09 November 2015

I Need To Tell You Something...

Isn' t it the most terrifying words? I hate it when someone says that. It's like I vae some mistake and I need to hear something bad because of it. But, no.. This isn't a bad thing that I'll tell you. 
Well, things happen for the last 2 months and hell I don't even notice, 2 months has been passed. These things that happen to me is a bit overwhelming, it's frustrating but sometimes give me joy. 

That's probably one of many reasons I haven't got a chance to write for this blog again. I miss it so much, I miss my time when I could write reviews or share some shopping experiences into this blog. But working have been taking my time, a lot and I haven't (couldn't) find how to manage my time to write again. 

My place right now even have very bad connection, it sucks! I need to move somewhere, but finding a new place is harder than moving. 

Okay, what I'm going to tell you is that I want to fill this blog with more various content. I mean, I want to write about other things. Maybe movie reviews or some my activities ( excluding Working ). This doesn't mean I won't write about beauty reviews, I will still write about it ( I love it!) but I think this changes will make my "writing" place more varies (okay, smile everyone! ^^ )

Okay, that's it. I should've write something useful after MIA for a month *sigh 
I promise I'll write some fun stuffs next time you see an update in this blog *cheers 

thanks for reading

Selasa, 29 September 2015

Belanja Dari Aplikasi Qoo10 ( Diskon + Kualitas Barang + Bayar Qoo10 pake FinPay)

Siapa yang nggak tau Qoo10 ?! Website belanja yang satu ini emang belom keliatan iklannya di tv, tapi kalau kalian sering belanja online pasti udah sering liat iklannya dimana-mana. Kalian tau gimana bacanya ga sih? Banyak nih temen gue masih bingung cara baca Qoo10. Kalau gue sih bacanya koten (Qoo 10(ten) ). 

Singkat cerita, di BBM sekarang udah banyak buanget iklannya. Nah si Qoo10 ini selalu berseliweran di timeline gue. Gue sebagai wanita yang lemah akan gempuran diskon online, akhirnya gue tergoda buat beli celana kulot!