Minggu, 26 April 2015

REVIEW : Silky Girl Hydra Clean Makeup Remover

Hello everyone! I'm back with a new review and again from Silky Girl. Their products is verry afordable and as good as the famous Maybelline bahasanya harga bersaing gitu deh. But, Silky Girl has more cheaper products than Maybelline, agree? 

Okay, I've tried their make up remover, the one with oil based. One day, I found this make up remover, I thought this is new and since I ran out my make up remover, I bought this. But, this one surprised me! why? keep reading ..

It says :  a mild and gentle lotion that effectively removes all traces of makeup for face, eyes, and lips. Formulated with moisturizing properties for sensitive and dehydrated skin. 

How to use : Apply the lotion gently all over your face, eyes, and lips. The wipe it off with a cotton pad and rinse with water. 

Here's what surprise me, ternyata ini pembersih muka milk cleanser! salah pilih deh :( hehehe. Tapi yasudahlah, akhirnya gue pake aja. Oya, wanginya juga enak, (fragrance detected).
Dengan embel-embel khusus untuk kulit sensitif dan bisa dipakai diseluruh wajah dari mata sampe bibir, gue yakin ini produk oke.

So, is it works? 

Dua gambar di bawah itu maskara, eyeliner, foundation dan lipstik. I applied two drops and gently wipe it WITHOUT a cotton pad. Jadi gue coba digosok memutar, kayak biasanya kalau bersihin muka pake milk cleanser aja gitu. 

Di gambar paling atas, maskara dan eyeliner di baris ketiga udah mulai pudar. Sebenernya foundation masih bersisa sedikit, dan agak susah ilangnya. Cuma ngga bisa dilihat di foto, susah juga diambilnya. 

Nah, after that mess, I wipe my hand with a cotton pad. Enggak susah buat menghilangkan sisa nya, Gel eyeliner di baris kedua yang masih tersisa banyak langsung ilang begitu di hapus pake kapas. 

To make sure it removes any trace of makeup completely, I wipe my hand with another make up remover, and as you can see, no dirt and its completely clean.

Verdict :

Does it works as it claims ? Yep. 
Dibanding make up remover yang biasa kita tau, jenis pembersih milk cleanser emang lebih melembabkan. Gue pernah pake produk viva, sensasi lembabnya sama kok. 

Untuk keampuhannya membersihkan make up, gue rasa oke. Bisa dilihat di gambar atas, cuma gue ngerasa kurang bersih aja kalau engga pake makeup remover yang oil based. Jadi biasanya setelah pake ini gue bersihin lagi pake makeup remover lain. 

Pernah suatu hari abis pake ini muka gue rada perih gitu. Enggak lama sih, cuma sempet khawatir aja, dan akhirnya berhenti pake. Jadi gue pake ini sesekali aja. Mungkin karena ada parfumnya ya, jadi perih gitu. 

Price : Rp. 30.000
Bought from Guardian

So, that's my review about this product. Have you tried it? I made a list of makeup remover for sensitive skin, check here : Make Up Remover Untuk Kulit Sensitif

Thanks for reading! 

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