Senin, 30 Juni 2014

SHOPPING : Peppercorns Laptop Case 14 inch + handgrip

Heyyy yeaa.... so today, I'm gonna show you what i just bought recently. It's a laptop case, gue lagi butuh case baru yang enak dibawa-bawa. Soalnya, tas laptop gue gede banget, lebih gede daripada laptopnya sendiri yang udah gede [banyak banget gedenya -.-].

so, i've been curious about this brand, it's a local brand from Bandung, Indonesia. The brand also ever featured in some tv program about the uniqueness of the design, and the concept. It is Peppercorns

Because i love purple, i decided to buy this one : 

pic from :

His name is Soondle, grumpy Soondle. Sebenernya gue mau beli yang satu lagi, karena berhubung ngga ada size 14 inch yang pake handgrip, akhirnya dia lah yang kupilih.... ~.

Jumat, 27 Juni 2014

REVIEW : Cottage Tonic Shower Gel [ Grapefruit ]

Helloo theree...

whoaa this whole week is very stressful, but one day, a package come to my place and i've posted this on my Instagram. Yes, a shower gel from Cottage.

Shower gel ini lumayan terbilang baru masuk Indonesia. Pertama kali tau karena waktu itu gue liat review nya di salah satu beauty blogger yang dateng pas launching nya. Langsung penasaran dong, soalnya kemasan produknya unik kayak botol susu gitu, dan berdasarkan reviewnya sih varian wanginya oke banget.

Nah kebetulan pas ketemu Instagramya Cottage [ cottageid ], dia lagi ngadain semacem giveaway, namanya #cottagepasssionweek . Buat 500 [kalo ga salah] pengirim foto pertama bertema passion bakal dapet hampers dari Cottage [ yeaaay gratisan!] hahaha.

Nah setelah sebulan, akhirnya datanglah hampers yang ditunggu-tunggu....

Minggu, 22 Juni 2014

REVIEW : VIVA COSMETIC Lipstick no. 10


Jadi, kemaren gue beli beberapa produk dari Viva buat bikin makeup Lorde  dan salah satunya adalah lipstik nude ini, so.. lest just check this out!

pretty nude color

Sabtu, 21 Juni 2014

Celebrity Makeup Inspiration : LORDE from Royals MV

After a lot of consideration, finally, i decided to join the giveaway held by Nindy from Silver Treasure

The rule is you have to re-create a look from celebrity on your choice.
Actually  I was thinking about Lee Hi, and also Sandara Park but I couldn't follow the tutorial well (yes, i search lot of tutorials).

I don't have any idea how to wear eyeshadow, and this is my first attempt to do a full makeup, and yeah some errors here and there....

After looking for some tutorials, i decided to re-create this look by Lorde ^^


Jumat, 20 Juni 2014

REVIEW : NOVA 2 IN 1 Hair Beauty Set


Kali ini gue mau cerita  review catokan yang udah gue beli sekitar dua bulan lalu. Ceritanya gue yang ngga pernah pake catokan kepengen punya tiba-tiba haha... biasalah cewek, suka mau macem-macem tiba-tiba pula..

Setelah pertimbangan nyari yang murah tapi oke, jatuhlah keputusan buat beli nih catokan Nova 2 In 1.
Alesannya : Bisa buat keriting juga lurusin sekalian tanpa harus beli dua catokan ^^

Gue beli di Lazada seharga Rp 112.000 (sekitar itu) dibanding harga di olshop yang gue temuin di Instagram misalnya, ini lumayan lebih murah.
Langsung aja deh... check this out...